新澳门六合彩官网IN Protocol 4704 | DECAMP-2

Detection of Early lung Cancer Among Military Personnel Study 2 (DECAMP-2): Screening of Patients with Early-Stage Lung Cancer or at High Risk for Development of Lung Cancer

Principal Investigators

Ehab Billatos, MD, and Denise Aberle, MD



Limited Site Participation

The Detection of Early lung Cancer Among Military Personnel (DECAMP) consortium is a multidisciplinary and translational research program that includes seven Veterans Administration hospitals (VAH), the four designated Military Treatment Facilities (MTF), and three academic hospitals as clinical study sites, as well as several molecular biomarker laboratories, along with biostatistics, bioinformatics, pathology and biorepository cores.


The DECAMP-2 trial was developed under the Department of Defense (DoD) and is funded through the DoD Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP), National Cancer Institute (NCI), Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research. In this study, the goal is to improve lung cancer screening in high-risk individuals by identifying biomarkers of preclinical disease and disease risk that are measured in minimally invasive and noninvasive biospecimens. Existing biomarkers for lung cancer diagnosis as well as new biomarkers discovered in the clinical settings of early-stage diagnosis and among patients at high risk for lung cancer will be examined.

The main objective of this trial is to improve the efficiency of the diagnostic evaluation of patients with indeterminate pulmonary nodules. The trial will determine the diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers for lung cancer measured in minimally invasive and noninvasive biospecimens, and whether these genomic and proteomic biomarkers in the airway and blood can distinguish between high-risk smokers with malignant or benign indeterminate, incidentally detected pulmonary nodules.

Main Objective

The main objectives of this study are to a) discover new biomarkers in early-stage lung cancer for use in diagnosis of disease, and b) discover new genomic and proteomic biomarkers in the airway and blood for preclinical detection of lung cancer among people at high risk of developing lung cancer.


Participants at high risk for lung cancer based on smoking history and an additional confounding factor of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or at least one first-degree relative with a diagnosis of lung cancer.

Study Design Summary

Each participant will undergo fiberoptic bronchoscopy, have blood and urine collected, provide sputum and cellular samples, and complete questionnaires. Participant imaging studies performed per protocol will be submitted to the 新澳门六合彩官网 imaging core lab. Annual follow-up procedures are outlined in the protocol. Participants will complete the study at four years, or at the time of lung cancer diagnosis (to allow for standard practice treatment outside of the study parameters), with the additional requirement of a year-four form describing treatment/response and vital status.

Data Forms

Site Memos

Imaging Materials

Biospecimen Procedures

Procedure Manual

Transmittal Forms

DECAMP Biospecimen Procedure Manual

Researchers interested in accessing DECAMP biospecimens should submit their responses to the questions in the DECAMP Biospecimen Access Request document to Ehab Billatos, MD, DECAMP Principal Investigator (ebillato@bu.edu).

Education and Recruitment Materials

The 新澳门六合彩官网 makes a variety of tools available to help site personnel with study participant enrollment. If your site would like to use any of the tools listed below, please contact the project specialist assigned to the trial.

Recruitment Manual

Recruitment of participants constitutes a significant portion of the workload associated with the DECAMP studies. Therefore, the DECAMP project at your site will operate more effectively and efficiently if you develop and implement a well-thought-out recruitment plan. The recruitment strategies presented in this manual are intended to serve as a framework as your site develops its individual plan. Download recruitment manual »

Participant Brochure

A DECAMP-2 (新澳门六合彩官网IN 4704) brochure is available for participating sites to assist with participant enrollment. All participant recruitment materials must be approved by the site's IRB prior to distribution. A link to an electronic version for submission to the IRB is provided below. Download DECAMP-2 brochure »


A DECAMP-2 (新澳门六合彩官网IN 4704) poster is available for display in areas likely to be seen by pulmonary clinic patients, as well as in general high-traffic areas inside or outside your facility. Download DECAMP-2 poster »

Participating Sites


VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System

Steve Dubinett, MD
David Elashoff, PhD
Gina Lee, MD

Research Associate:
Babak Aryanfar

Enrollment Status: Open

Naval Medical Center San Diego

Investigator: CAPT J. Scott Parrish, MD

Research Associate:
Divina Fanning

Enrollment Status: Open

UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles

Steve Dubinett, MD
David Elashoff, PhD
Gina Lee, MD

Research Associate:
Gregory Ellis

Enrollment Status: Open


VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Denver

Robert L. Keith, MD
Daniel Merrick, MD

Research Associate:
Brandi Kubala, MA, CCRP

Enrollment Status: Open


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda

Investigator: Robert Browning, MD

Research Associate:
Luis E. Rojas

Enrollment Status: Open


VA Boston Healthcare System, Roxbury

Ron Goldstein, MD
Eric Garshik, MD

Research Associate:
Kathleen Lacerda

Enrollment Status: Open

Boston University Medical Center

Investigator: Ehab Billatos, MD

Research Associate:
Denise Fine

Enrollment Status: Open


Philadelphia VA Medical Center

Anil Vachani, MD
Daniel Sterman, MD
Andrew Haas, MD

Enrollment Status: Open

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Investigator: Charles Atwood, MD

Research Associate:
Greg Owens

Enrollment Status: Open

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Anil Vachani, MD
Daniel Sterman, MD
Andrew Haas, MD

Enrollment Status: Open


Nashville VA Medical Center

Investigator: Pierre Massion, MD

Research Associate:
Trey Helton

Enrollment Status: Open


Naval Medical Center Portsmouth

Investigator: Evan Butlin, MD

Research Associate:

Enrollment Status: Closed

DECAMP Study Team Contact Information

新澳门六合彩官网IN 4703 & 4704  Contact Phone  Email 
BU Scientific Program Manager  Maria Perez    perezmt@bu.edu
新澳门六合彩官网 Project Manager  Irene Mahon  215 574-3249  imahon@acr.org
新澳门六合彩官网 Data Management
 Jean Ly  215-574-3234  jly@acr.org
新澳门六合彩官网 Image Core Lab
 Joe Bauza
 Sarah Gevo
 215 940-8886
 Chris Steward  215 574-3787  csteward@acr.org
BU Biorepository Manager
 Jack Cunningham    jackcunn@bu.edu