Quality Payment Program and MIPS

The Medicare Accessibility and CHIP Reauthorization Act (M新澳门六合彩官网A) introduced several changes to the physician reimbursement framework. M新澳门六合彩官网A replaced the Sustainable Growth Rate formula with the Quality Payment Program (QPP) to provide incentives that emphasize value and quality of care over volume. The QPP is comprised of four performance categories: Quality, Improvement Activities, Cost and Promoting Interoperability.

Under the QPP, clinicians can participate in either the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) or in Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) to avoid downward payment adjustments and potentially receive upward adjustments. CMS estimates for the first few performance years a majority of clinicians will follow the MIPS track.

More information on the Quality Payment Program and Advanced Alternative Payment Models »

2024 QPP Update

The 新澳门六合彩官网 provides updates and analysis related to the new MIPS participation year.

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Quality Payment Program Year 8

Under the QPP, clinicians can participate in either the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) or in Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) in order to avoid downward payment adjustments and potentially receive upward adjustments. Payment adjustment for 2026 payment year (based on 2024 reporting) ranges from -9% to +9%. CMS has approved the 新澳门六合彩官网 National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR) as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) for 2024. Radiology group practices can continue to use the 新澳门六合彩官网 NRDR QCDR to satisfy 2024 MIPS requirements.

CMS anticipates a majority of clinicians will participate in the MIPS track. MIPS allows Medicare clinicians to be paid for providing high-quality, efficient care through success in four performance categories as shown below. Each category is weighted and added into a final MIPS performance score:

  1. Quality (30%): To complete this requirement, radiologists will need to report up to 6 quality measures, including an outcome measure, with 12 months of data. Quality improvement will be calculated based on performance, with up to 10 percentage points available. If there is not sufficiently complete data, 0 percentage points will be given.
  2. Promoting Interoperability (25%): Most 新澳门六合彩官网 members will be reweighted to zero in this category as non-patient-facing clinicians or hospital based eligible clinicians, but data may be submitted if clinicians would like to receive credit. For non-patient-facing clinicians, these 25 percentage points will be reweighted to the quality category.
  3. Improvement Activities (15%): Radiologists will be required to attest completion to up to 4 improvement activities. Small, rural and shortage area practices or non-patient-facing MIPS physicians need two medium-weighted improvement activities or one high-weighted improvement activity to meet full performance score. 
  4. Cost (30%): The cost category will measure Medicare Spending per Beneficiary (MSPB) and Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC). Cost will be calculated using claims and will not require data submission. 

CMS recognizes that small and rural practices may experience additional burdens while participating in the QPP. Please see the CMS webpage for for information about their monthly newsletter and other types of support available.

Highlights of QPP Year 8:

  • The performance threshold remains at 75 points.
  • Exceptional performance bonus and high priority bonuses no longer available.
  • 3-point scoring floor for measures has been removed; measures are now eligible for 1 to 10 points.
  • Non-benchmarked measures more than 2 years old will now default to 0 points.
  • No changes to the policies for small and rural or non-patient facing practices.
  • No changes to category weights.

Quality Measures Most Relevant to Radiology

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