April 04, 2024

Call To Action – Ask Congress to Support 2025 NIH, ARPA-H Funding

The °ϲʹ® (°ϲʹ®) is to fund the National Institutes of Health (NIH) base budget in federal fiscal year (FY) 2025 at $53.1 billion, emphasizing that a loss of funding would impact radiology research. Additionally, °ϲʹ urges members to advocate for funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) at $1.5 billion. Any additional funds for ARPA-H should supplement, rather than supplant, the core investment in NIH.

°ϲʹ is an active voice for . Funding for NIH allows for the continued advancement of scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, improving the lives of patients with a wide spectrum of diseases and disorders, many that depend on radiology and imaging tools for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

°ϲʹ also asks Congress to complete the appropriations process by Sept. 30, to avoid a government shutdown and avert delays and disruptions in research funding.

For more information, contact Katie Grady, °ϲʹ Government Affairs Director.